Friday, September 18, 2009

Reporting Services 2008 Multiple Login Issue

If you are having one of the following problems:

A) When you access report server or report manager, you get a login prompt multiple times and eventually you get a blank screen.

B) When you try to publish reports/models from Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), you get access denied errors.

Here is a write up and solution

For my solution, I removed the RSWindowsNegotiate setting from the rsreportservice.config and everything was smooth sailing afterward. It took me ages to find this solution for some reason so I’m posting it here too.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

SharePoint 2007 PDF Indexing

This is the best page I could find on how to quickly configure SharePoint 2007 for indexing full pdf documents.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Open in Windows Explorer doesn't work on Windows 2008

If you are running SharePoint on Windows 2008 and want to open a document library in Windows Explorer it probably won't work by default. The option is there but it doesn't do anything. To make this work you'll need to add the Desktop Experience feature to the server. You can do this by going into Server Manager, Features, Add Feature and choose the Desktop Experience feature.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Unattended uninstall of Expression Blend 3

I've had some big problems running MS Expression Blend 3 in my dev VM and wanted to uninstall but the uninstall doesn't render properly (missing buttons) etc. so I needed to do an unattended uninstall to get rid of it. I did some searching and found the proper syntax and thought I'd share.

Change to the folder that contains the xsetup.exe file, on my system it is c:\program files\microsoft expression\Blend 3.

Then execute the following command where the source is the DVD (or location) that you initially installed from. In my case this was the E:\Setup folder on the DVD ISO image I used. The -x does the uninstall, -q runs in quiet mode (unattended). Before you issue the command, I suggest going to your temp folder (%temp%) and clearing out everything. When xsetup runs it will create a log file that will show you what happened on the uninstall and if you've entered the correct path etc. if the uninstall doesn't work properly.

xsetup -source:E:\Setup -x -q

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Disabling Hibernation in Vista

If you never use hibernation in Vista, you may want to just turn off the feature and save the room that the hiberfil.sys file creates on your hard drive. If you have 4GB of memory like I do, that means saving 4GB of disk space when you disable hibernation.

Here’s how you do it:

Run the command, powercfg –h off to disable hibernation. I had to use elevated permissions to do this on my system.

To re-enable hibernation run the command, powercfg –h on

That’s all there is to it and you now have some extra drive space.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How to determine if your webpart is providing for others

In my continuation with my webpart for connecting two SPGridViews together I came across the need to determine if the current instance of the part was actually providing for any other webparts. The reason I need to know this is because I wanted to render the first column as a select link if it was providing to another part, but otherwise just render as a standard datacolumn.

Here is the solution I came up with:

 Private Function IsProviding() As Boolean
For Each c As WebPartConnection In Me.WebPartManager.Connections
If c.Provider Is Me Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Does anyone have another way to determine this?

Configuring a SharePoint WebPart as both a Consumer and Provider for the same interface

Recently I’ve been coding a web part that shows a sql query inside a SPGridView and wanted to set it up so it could be a connection provider (ConnectionProvider) as well as a connection consumer (ConnectionConsumer).

For some reason, when I set it up this way the Connections menu used to configure the inbound and outbound connections was greyed out when I had both, but worked if I commented out either one.

It seems that there is an optional argument named “id” for both the ConnectionProvider and ConnectionConsumer decorators and when I provided this argument it started working. It seems there is a default id if you don’t specify it and they must have the same default id.

My code now looks something like this:

#Region "IWebPartRow Provider"
<ConnectionProvider("RowProvider", "DataViewRowProvider")> _
Public Function GetConnectionInterface() As IWebPartRow
Return New DataViewWebPart()
End Function

Public Sub GetRowData(ByVal callback As RowCallback) _
Implements IWebPartRow.GetRowData

End Sub

Public ReadOnly Property Schema() As _
ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection Implements IWebPartRow.Schema
Return TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(oView)
End Get
End Property
#End Region
#Region "IWebPartRow Consumer"
<ConnectionConsumer("Row", "DataViewRowConsumer")> _
Public Sub SetConnectionInterface(ByVal provider As IWebPartRow)
_provider = provider
End Sub

#End Region